


Time Flies When You're Having Pun

It's an Indianapolis tradition, and now you can share in the “pun.” Every week OneAmerica® displays a new quip or pun on signboards outside the OneAmerica Tower in downtown Indianapolis.

Over the years, we have received more than 10,000 suggestions. Check out this video of our favorites. You can also follow our weekly messages on Twitter @oneamerica and on LinkedIn




A Tradition Since 1958

Signboard Image from 1958The signboard tradition began in 1958 when OneAmerica was building its home office on Fall Creek Parkway. The signboard first apologized for inconvenience caused by construction, touted company statistics and sent holiday wishes to motorists.

Before long, OneAmerica’s president at the time, Clarence Jackson, began using the signboard to convey his keen sense of humor.

  • “What this country needs is a good five-cent nickel.”
  • “Avoid that rundown feeling — obey stop signs.”

Employees and the public caught on and started submitting their own sayings — each one reviewed and approved by Jackson. For every suggestion used, OneAmerica gave the contributor $5 and a miniature signboard replica.

The Signboard at OneAmerica Tower

When building the OneAmerica Tower in 1982, architects thought the signboard would detract from the building's appearance. However, public demand swelled, and signboards were added on two corners of the employee parking lot — where they remain today.

Signboard Guidelines

OneAmerica seeks humorous quips, puns and plays-on-words for its signboard. Following are a few guidelines:

  1. Sayings cannot exceed three lines of 20 characters each including all punctuation and spaces.
  2. Be humorous, but keep it cool. Inspirational sayings, political statements, advertising or insulting, off-color remarks will not be used.
  3. Submissions centering around current events-especially in Indianapolis and Indiana, the seasons, holidays and sports are always welcome!
  4. All the fields are mandatory.

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