
OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon: 2011

OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon: 2011

OneAmerica Mini-Marathon 2011

Some of the sights from the 2011 OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon:

Wheelchair and elite runners await the start of the OneAmerica Mini-Marathon in 2011.


Runners start the 5K race in 2011.


Police and firefighters wear their equipment to race in 2011.


Volunteers man water break stations during the 2011 race.


Runners fuel up after the 2011 OneAmerica Mini-Marathon.


Runners receive their medals after the 2011 OneAmerica Mini-Marathon.


OneAmerica CEO Dayton Molendorp (in the bucket, right) helps start the 2011 race.

And was there to hold the tape as Ridouane Harroufi won the men's title.

OneAmerica's Jim Freeman (left) speaks with the first Mini-Marathon winner and two-time Olympic medalist Frank Shorter after the 2011 race. Shorter won the Mini-Marathon in 1977.


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