
OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon: 2015

OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon: 2015

OneAmerica Mini-Marathon: 2015

Some of the sights from the 2015 OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon:

Selfies and videos were high on the list of participants in the race and in the crowd. #WhyIMini


A year after the Colts were involved in the race, Boomer of the Indiana Pacers was handing out high fives at the start of the 2015 race.


Volunteer superheroes were the theme of the day.

OneAmerica CEO Scott Davison (left) talks with former Indy racer Al Unser Jr. before the race.


The group that most runners are trying to avoid.


Training for race day comes in many forms.


Runners on the track at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway watch WTHR-13's Dave Calabro (left) talk with the winner of the first Mini-Marathon, Frank Shorter, on a big screen.


Sarah Kiptoo (top photo) wins the women's Mini-Marathon for the second time in three years. Elisha Barno (bottom photo) was 10 seconds faster than his competition in the men's race.


Runners and their supporters had a chance to enjoy music after the 2015 race.


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