
Podcasts Make Retirement Education More Accessible

December 14, 2016 Financial Wellness

Articles for Financial Wellness

By now you know that your employees have different levels of engagement when it comes to preparing for retirement. Some are hands-off and keep their interactions and involvement to a minimum. Others are hands-on and take advantage of in-person meetings or one-on-one assistance. The majority of participants seem to fall somewhere in between; they like to think about preparing for retirement on their own time and their own terms.

Technology has made it easier than ever for your participants to learn more about financial wellness and retirement topics. One way they can use technology is to listen to this information via podcasts. OneAmerica and Pete the Planner have more than 20 podcasts available on iTunes, which participants can download and listen to anytime they'd like.

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Financial Preparation Guide
Setting Purposeful Retirement Goals
Improve Your Employees’ Investing Knowledge